Security incident response plan

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Plan

The purpose of this Security Incident Response Plan (SIRP) is to outline the procedures and responsibilities for responding to and mitigating security incidents at DIGITAL FOREST.

1.2 Scope

This plan encompasses all digital assets, information systems, and networks owned or managed by DIGITAL FOREST.

2. Incident Response Team

2.1 Incident Response Team Roles and Responsibilities

  • Incident Response Coordinator: Roberto Vergani, (+39) 346 364 5555
  • Technical Lead: Roberto Vergani, (+39) 346 364 5555
  • Communications Lead: Roberto Vergani, (+39) 346 364 5555
  • Legal/Compliance Representative: Roberto Vergani, (+39) 346 364 5555

2.2 Contact Information

Maintain an up-to-date list of contact information for all team members, including alternates, and ensure it is accessible to all team members.

3. Incident Identification and Classification

3.1 Incident Identification Procedures

Define procedures for identifying potential security incidents. This may include automated monitoring, user reports, and anomaly detection systems.

3.2 Incident Classification Criteria

Establish criteria for classifying incidents based on severity and impact. This will help in prioritizing response efforts.

4. Incident Response Procedures

4.1 Initial Response Steps

Outline the immediate actions to be taken upon the identification of a security incident, including isolating affected systems and notifying the Incident Response Team.

4.2 Investigation and Analysis

Detail procedures for investigating and analyzing the incident, including preservation of evidence, data collection, and forensic analysis.

4.3 Containment and Eradication

Define steps for containing and eradicating the incident to prevent further damage or unauthorized access.

4.4 Recovery

Provide guidelines for restoring affected systems to normal operation and verifying the effectiveness of the recovery efforts.

5. Communication Plan

5.1 Internal Communication

Specify how internal communication will be managed, including updates to the incident response team, management, and staff.

5.2 External Communication

Define procedures for communicating with external parties, such as clients, partners, and regulatory bodies, and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

6. Documentation and Reporting

6.1 Incident Report

Create a template for documenting incident details, actions taken, and lessons learned. This report will be valuable for post-incident analysis and improvement.

6.2 Regulatory Reporting

Specify the process for reporting incidents to relevant regulatory bodies, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

7. Training and Awareness

Ensure that all staff members are trained on the incident response procedures and conduct regular awareness sessions to keep them informed about security threats and best practices.

8. Testing and Review

Regularly test and update the incident response plan through simulated exercises. Conduct post-incident reviews to identify areas for improvement.

9. Revision History

Maintain a revision history for the incident response plan to track changes and updates.

10. Plan Approval

This plan is approved by:

[Roberto Vergani, CEO, 12 June 2023]